Jul 16, 2011

Acute Stroke - Managing Acute Stroke

Once a firm diagnosis is made, start specific therapy and care. Some conventional treatments are known to have an uncertain foundation. Active Research neuronal damage, acute stroke and insults being directed at the causes of the progress of eradication.

Stroke, either ischemic or hemorrhagic in nature can be classified as. Ischemic cerebrovascular disease in the world predominates, brain haemorrhage, stroke 30 to 40% between the Chinese and Japanese can eat.Clearly the cause of stroke are controlled so that specific risk factors, and treatment is tailored to individual needs to be identified.

General management of acute stroke

Good sound management of stroke patients basic diagnosis, investigation, and should start with nursing care.Result in greater care in the differential diagnosis, therapy, and is just cause for the overall management of preventable complications. Adequate nutrition, fluid and electrolyte balance should ensure, nasogastric feeding may not be fed to those who may be required.

Tredelenberg situation is indicated in proporsional brain ischaemia. Prolonged bed confinement, infection, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism, and decubitus ulcer that leads to such complications. At least 2 stable patient - should be per hour ischemic necrosis of the skin and the development of bed sores, as well as preventing infection.Joint contractures can be prevented by physical therapy, anterior dislocation of the humeral head can be prevented with good condition and use of slings. As rehabilitation should begin as early as possible.


Ischemic stroke in a patient with fever is usually secondary to infection, the aspiration or infectious pneumonia. Lung atelectasis can be prevented by periodic hyperventilation and cough is strong. Hemiplegic chest movement on the side that must be paid so much attention is reduced. Pneumonia is the leading cause of death in stroke patients, and respiratory rate and fever, the development of early recognition of this complexity can help you raised.Perhaps leg venous thrombosis in the paralyzed leg wrappings, passive leg movements, adequate hydration and low dose subcutaneous heparin to prevent access by using the. This complexity, however, is unusual among Chinese, so that only selective use of anticoagulation is needed in this population. Special attention, including aspiration and sleep apnea, cardio - respiratory complications should be taken in the brainstem strokes are common.