Jul 3, 2009

How to Kill a Relationship

Relationship Killers: 8 Things You Should Never Say

We are all going to fight sometimes in our Relationships, but whether we fight fair is another story. Avoid these phrases and you'll be one step closer to a happier, healthier relationship.

Are the following phrases part of your vocabulary when dealing with the love of your life? Get rid of these fighting words from your love lingo and you’ll reap the rewards. Don’t do this, and your relationship just might meet the grim reaper!

“Then I guess we shouldn’t be dating!” You wouldn’t tell your boss you’re quitting your job unless you meant it, would you? But sometimes, in a tough relationship, people are tempted to pull out the nuclear option just to get the other person off their backs: “If you don’t like the way I season meat, then you’ll never understand me! We should just break up now!”

Save your breakup talk for when you truly want to end a relationship, not as a rhetorical weapon. Otherwise, you will risk your match taking you up on the offer and leaving you crying over beer for one.

“Why can’t you be just like my ex?” We all have people that have taught us what we do and don’t like in Relationships. But the person you’re being with now wants to feel special, not like the sequel to a bad romantic comedy. Don’t make it sound as though you’re living in the past. Tell your current love specifically how you feel and what you want, but in the context of the present time.

“I’m just too tired from working hard all day to help you with that.” Of course, you’re not lying – you most probably did get exhausted from rushing around and dealing with your boss all day. But now, when most men and women have taxing jobs outside the home, this is the lamest excuse in the book. Remember, the man or woman you love is probably as exhausted as you, and even if they’re not, they shouldn’t have to pick up your dirty socks, move a couch by themselves, or take the kids to soccer practice just because you did a little work. If you’re really tired, ask your spouse to trade or defer chores. Or better yet, just do whatever it is quickly, so you can have time to relax and enjoy each other’s time together.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was able to get my ex back after I followed the instructions at www.saveabreakup.com I totally recommend this site, saveabreakup.com helped me a lot, all I can say is big THANKS!!! I'm so happy now...